Do you have the right equipment for Healthcare Cleaning?
When designing the perfect trolley for your facility, your best practice healthcare cleaning program needs to address your cleaning requirements and obstacles. Ensuring your cleaners have access to everything they need when they need it, that the products on the trolley do their job properly and your set up is safe for your cleaners to use are critical elements to address.
What You Need, When you Need It
Does your trolley carry the correct number of cloths your cleaner will need during their shift? Are your mops and cloths that require pre-moistening correctly prepared when they setup their trolley? Do your chemicals require locks and do you have the appropriate storage for your consumables?
These are just some of the questions you need to ask in order to create the right trolley for your teams. To do this you must first understand what is involved in that day’s cleaning run and what is needed to complete set tasks.
Effective Products For Your Challenges
Do your products do the job? Understanding the challenges that come in each of your different area types can help you build out the best practice cleaning system for you. Do your mops have scrubbing abilities for non-stick floors? Do you have shorter mop heads for small areas like bathroom’s enabling you to reach small spaces? Do you have a disposable solution for disinfection cleans?
No one day is the same in a Hospital or Aged Care facility, and cleaners are called upon to deal with many issues throughout the day. Supporting cleaning staff with quality products and training allows your facility to stay cleaner for longer.
Safe & Ergonomic Solutions
Cleaning is a challenging role and involves hard work and manual labour. Our cleaners cannot do their best work when they are physically exhausted and poor products and systems can cause them injuries over time. Are their mops the correct height to prevent stretching and bending? Are their trollies easy to push and manoeuvre through the facility? Do they have the ability to change the length of their dusters and wall mops to ensure they are using safe work practices? Asking these questions at the beginning can save you a world of pain and ensure your cleaning teams are safe, happy and able to do their job well.
Once you understand what your needs are, you can then decide the correct configuration of a cleaning trolley for your cleaners.
Want more information on Healthcare Cleaning equipment? See what a best practice microfibre cleaning system looks like and find out how you can start to move your system towards it at the Healthcare Cleaning Leadership Workshops in Perth, Melbourne, Brisbane and Sydney. Or contact us for more information.